Dear Linkman
Enclosed is the first paediatric orientated survey by NACCS for many a year. I would be greatful if you would be kind enough to complete it on behalf of your department. If you have a lead for paediatric neuroanaesthesia or for paediatric anaesthesia it may be more appropriate for them to fill it in on
your department’s behalf. If you do forward this on to a
colleague to complete could you please make sure to follow them up and encourage them to complete it.
Thank you
Claire Biercamp
On behalf of which neuroscience unit are you responding?
ABERDEEN | 1 | 4.55% |
BIRMINGHAM | 1 | 4.55% |
BRISTOL | 1 | 4.55% |
CAMBRIDGE | 1 | 4.55% |
CARDIFF | 1 | 4.55% |
CHARING CROSS | 1 | 4.55% |
DUNDEE | 1 | 4.55% |
1 | 4.55% |
1 | 4.55% |
LIVERPOOL | 1 | 4.55% |
MANCHESTER (SALFORD) | 1 | 4.55% |
NATIONAL | 1 | 4.55% |
PLYMOUTH | 1 | 4.55% |
PRESTON | 1 | 4.55% |
1 | 4.55% |
QUEENS, ROMFORD | 1 | 4.55% |
SHEFFIELD | 1 | 4.55% |
SOUTHAMPTON | 1 | 4.55% |
ST GEORGE’S | 1 | 4.55% |
22 response(s)
Does your centre do ANY paediatric work (even if not Neuro)?
Yes | 16 | 72.73% |
No | 6 | 27.27% |
22 response(s)
Does your centre perform elective paediatric neurosurgical procedures?
Yes | 9 | 56.25% |
No | 6 | 37.50% |
Other Answers | 1 | 6.25% |
Other Answers: but only simple ones
16 response(s)
Does your centre have a regular designated NEURO paediatric MRI list?
Yes | 7 | 43.75% |
No | 9 | 56.25% |
16 response(s)
How is anaesthetic care for planned NEURO paediatric MRI patients therefore delivered?
As part of general paediatric
MRI list |
5 | 55.56% |
As part of a general
paediatric GA list |
1 | 11.11% |
On an ad-hoc basis | 1 | 11.11% |
Never done in our centre | 2 | 22.22% |
9 response(s)
Who is most likely to anaesthetise paediatric NEURO patients undergoing elective MRI scanning?
neuroanaesthetists |
1 | 6.25% |
General paediatric
anaesthetists |
12 | 75.00% |
Adult neuroanaesthetists 1 6.25%
General anaesthetists | 1 | 6.25% |
Other Answers | 1 | 6.25% |
Other Answers:
not known – done at childrens hospital
16 response(s) How often do trainees provide cover for paediatric neuro MRI without immediate consultant supervision?
Occasionally (eg once every
other month) |
1 | 6.25% |
Rarely (eg once or twice a
year) |
2 | 12.50% |
Never | 12 | 75.00% |
Other Answers | 1 | 6.25% |
Other Answers:
not known – done at childrens hospital
16 response(s)
How is consent for elective MRI scanning obtained?
By parent team at booking | 3 | 18.75% |
By parent team on day of
scan |
4 | 25.00% |
By anaesthetist on day of
scan |
7 | 43.75% |
Other Answers | 2 | 12.50% |
Other Answers:
by radiologist on day of scan not known
16 response(s)
If consent is taken at the time of booking who is responsible for re-affirming consent on the day of scan?
Parent team | 1 | 6.25% |
Anaesthetist | 5 | 31.25% |
N/A | 10 | 62.50% |
16 response(s)
Does your centre have a designated pathway for arranging anaesthetic care for children undergoing emergency neuro MRI scans?
Yes | 11 | 68.75% |
No | 4 | 25.00% |
Other Answers | 1 | 6.25% |
Other Answers: not undertaken
16 response(s)
In your hospital where an emergency out of hours neuro MRI under GA is needed in a child (under the age of 16) the most likely provider of anaesthesia is..
we are an adult only hospital and this situation NEVER arises | 1 | 6.25% |
the paediatric consultant
general anaesthetist |
12 | 75.00% |
the on-call senior trainee | 1 | 6.25% |
it depends – please clarify in
‘other answer’ box below |
1 | 6.25% |
Other Answers | 1 | 6.25% |
Other Answers: not anticipated
16 response(s)
At Royal stoke university hospital, we do all neuro MRI elective and emergencies from A&E/PICU. we also do urgent time critical neuro emergencies in children and do a secondary transfer if needed. Our paediatric neurosurgical unit is Alder Hay Hospital in liverpool Please send to Bristol Children’s hospital which is our paediatric neuro unit.
regarding the last question; paediatric anaesthetists cover all emergency cases under 5, and any where the adult neuro team request support. Adult neuro anaesthetists cover the over 5yrs patients out of hours. Elective MRI are all deliverd by the paeds team There is a persistent problem gap for services between 16 and 18 years. Under 18 is paediatric ?