Benefits of Membership

  • Free access to: Journal of Neurosurgical Anaesthesiology via our members website area
  • Discount rates to society meetings
  • Discount rates to Affiliated Society meetings (Euroneuro, SNACC, ISNACC)
  • Collaboration with Affiliated Societies
  • Access to Training & Travel Fellowships
  • Access to educational content (curriculum mapped, ebrain)
  • Membership only website content (recorded webinars, presentations)
  • Support to conduct national surveys
  • Access to previous Abstracts & posters
  • Early notification and access to reports and society endorsed guidelines
  • Opportunities to express concerns/feelings on national consultations (e.g. NICE)
  • Link members and trainee link members – opportunity for networking/collaboration

To apply for membership please read below and follow the appropriate link.

How to become a NACCS member

Membership categories

Membership TypeFeeJoin Us Today
Full Membership£50Click Here
Trainee£10Click Here
Associate (UK)£10Click Here
Associate (PNAN)£10Click Here
Associate (Retired)£10Click Here
Associate (International)£10Click Here

Application for Membership

Any person applying for Full Membership shall submit an application form signed by the applicant, including their General Medical Council Number to the Honorary Secretary. The application shall be put before the next meeting of the Council which shall decide, at its discretion, to refuse or admit an applicant to Membership.

Any person applying for Associate Membership (Retired or PNAN)  shall submit an application form signed by the applicant to the Honorary Secretary. Application for Associate Membership (UK or International) shall submit an application form signed by the applicant and their Head of Department to the Honorary Secretary. The Honorary Secretary shall decide, at his or her discretion, to refuse or admit an applicant to Associate Membership.

Any person applying for Trainee Membership shall submit an application form signed by the applicant and by their training supervisor to the Honorary Secretary. This application must include the proposed CCT date. The Honorary Secretary shall decide, at his or her discretion, to refuse or admit an applicant to Trainee Membership.



Fully qualified consultant or SAS doctor (non-consultant/non-trainee doctor) based in the UK or Ireland, who has current full GMC registration with a licence to practice. The UK or Irish registered consultant or SAS doctor who is working abroad with a confirmed return date (within one year).

Associate (UK)

An allied healthcare professional who is fully qualified, or in training, practising in a field relating to spinal surgery/injury, neurosurgery, neuroanaesthesia or neurocritical care in the UK or Ireland.

Associate (Retired)

UK and Ireland doctor retired from clinical practice.

Annual Subscription

The annual subscriptions payable by Members shall be fixed at each annual general meeting of the Society having regard to any recommendation made by the Council. Any member who has not paid an annual subscription within three months of the renewal date will be removed from membership. They may reapply for membership in a current manner. The method of payment shall be determined by Council.

For any queries about Membership, please contact the Honorary Secretary