The best abstracts submitted by medically qualified trainees will be invited to compete for the Harvey Granat prize for the best oral presentation during the free paper session, unless the submission specifies for poster only. The awards are £400 for the winner, with a runner up prize of £200.
All accepted abstracts are eligible for the poster prize. A shortlist will be made during the meeting, and to be eligible for the prize the first author must be available to present the poster to a panel of judges. The first author of the best poster will be
awarded a prize of £200, with a runner up prize of £100.
The highest ranked poster presented by a first author who is an allied health professional will be eligible for an additional prize of £50.
Abstracts accepted for presentation during the oral free paper session will be asked to produce a poster for display at the meeting, but are not eligible for the poster prize.
Once you start an entry on the Abstract Submission Form, please complete your submission within the same session without leaving the page or your work won’t be saved and you will have to restart a new submission.
Please read the abstract submission guidance before submitting your work.
Please follow the guidance below each field carefully. If the submitted abstract does not strictly adhere to these guidelines it will be sent straight back with a note regarding resubmission, unless there is insufficient time before the closing date. In that event, the abstract will be rejected.