July 2021
The International Council for Perioperative Neuroscience Training (ICPNT) was set up in 2018 with the mission of ‘setting educational standards, fostering engagement and supervising activities that promote high quality subspecialty education in perioperative neuroscience’ through peer-reviewed accreditation of neuroanaesthesia fellowship programmes. Since the first accreditation cycle in 2019, there are now 22 ICPNT accredited neuroanaesthesia programmes globally. The ICPNT standards cover all aspects of education and training including curriculum, resources, faculty and assessment.
Accredited programs join the educational network run by the ICPNT Neuroanesthesia Program Relations (NPR) committee. They organise regular global educational opportunities for fellows such as webinars, journal clubs and a ‘boot camp’ at the SNACC annual meeting. These international events also provide an opportunity for networking amongst programs and fellows as well as an opportunity to learn about different healthcare systems. If your department or institution is interested in applying for accreditation for your neuroanaesthesia fellowship program, further details on program requirements, the application process and a full list of accredited programs can be found on: https://www.icpnt.net/.
For Fellows who would like more information on the ICPNT, further information is available on both the ICPNT and SNACC websites ( https://www.snacc.org/fellows-and-residents/neuroanesthesia-fellowship-form ).
You can also contact any of executive committee via the ICPNT website if you have any questions or need guidance in submitting an application for accreditation of your neuroanesthesiology fellowship.
Email contact: [email protected]
Twitter: @ICPNT