Dr Judith Dinsmore’s Nomination

Position Held

Consultant in Neuroanaesthesia

Past President of the Neuroanaesthesia & Critcal care Society

Associate editorial board of BJA and JNA.

Editor at Anaesthesia Reports, 2013-2016

RCOA examiner

Examiner for the Intercollegiate Specialty Board in Neurosurgery

Why does the nominee deserve the award?

Dr Dinsmore is a pioneer, leader and inspiration.

She has published extensively throughout her career, including 13 papers, 7 book chapters and 2 complete books in only the last 5 years. She is a member of the associate editorial boards of the BJA and JNA and reviewer for multiple journals including the BJA, BMJ and JNA. In addition she supports and facilitates others’ research endeavours, mentoring trainees and consultant colleagues. This considerable body of literature has rightly gained her national and international recognition, resulting in her speaking at more than 25 national and international conferences in the past 5 years.

She is an excellent clinical anaesthetist, liked and admired by surgeons, trainees and consultant colleagues. She pioneered and developed the delivery of awake craniotomy and thrombectomy at St George’s, translating this experience into anaesthetics protocols and multidisciplinary national standards.

She is an outstanding educator, equally informative and inspiring one to one in theatre or in organising and delivering national CPD meetings. Her numerous book chapters and complete books are valued resources for anaesthetists of all sub-specialities and levels of training. She examines anaesthetists and surgeons, locally at St George’s and also for the FRCA and for the Intercollegiate Specialty Board in Neurosurgery.

She has been council member, honorary secretary and president of NACCS. In addition she is a committee member of an NHS working group on Thrombectomy services for acute ischaemic stroke and represents the RCOA as part of a working group developing guidance for transfer of the brain injured patient.

To have done all this whist remaining a kind, approachable and often very funny colleague is a truly remarkable achievement.

Additional supporting information

Noteworthy publications include: 

Stubbs D, Davies B, Hutchinson P, Menon D K, et al. Protocol for the development of multidisciplinary guidelines for the care of patients with chronic subdural haematoma. Accepted for publication.

Lunardi D, Dinsmore J. Anaesthesia for Awake Craniotomy. Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine. 2022;23: 811-817.

Dinsmore J, Wiles MD. Surgical management of chronic subdural haematoma: looking beyond anaesthetic technique. Anaesthesia 2022; 77: 519-522.

Dinsmore J, Tan A. Anaesthesia for mechanical thrombectomy: a narrative review. Anaesthesia 2022; 77 S1: 59-68.

Stubbs, D., Davies, B., Hutchinson, P., Menon, D. K., et al. Improving Care in Elderly Neurosurgery Initiative (ICENI). (2022). Challenges and opportunities in the care of chronic subdural haematoma: perspectives from a multi-disciplinary working group on the need for change. Br J Neurosurg 2022 https://doi.org/10.1080/02688697.2021.2024508.

Zhang L, Dinsmore J, Khan U et al. General Anesthesia vs. Conscious sedation for Mechanical Thrombectomy in Acute Anterior Circulation Ischemic Stroke. STROKE: Vascular and Interventional Neurology 2022: doi.org/10.1161/SVIN.121.000130.

Clifton A, Dinsmore J, Dharmasiri M et al. To support safe provision of mechanical thrombectomy services for patients with acute ischaemic stroke 2021. Consensus guidance from AAGBI, BASP, BSNR, ICSWP and UKNG. Clinical Radiology 2021; 76:862. e1-862.e17.

Porter J, Dinsmore J. Perioperative Management of Direct Oral Anticoagulants in Intracranial surgery. JNA 2019 doi: 10.1097/ANA.0000000000000629

Elwishi M, Dinsmore J. Monitoring the brain. BJA Education. 2019; 19: 54-59.

Lele AV, Mills B, Qui Q et al. International Multicentre Survey of perioperative Management of External Ventricular drains: results of the EVD Aware Study. JNA 2019 doi: 10.1097/ANA.0000000000000580

Dinsmore J, Elwishi M, Kailainathan P. Anaesthesia for endovascular thrombectomy. BJA Education, 2018; 18: 291-299.

Dinsmore, J. HERMES: a helpful messenger in the anaesthesia for thrombectomy debate? The Lancet Neurology 2018; 17: 21 – 23

White P, Lenthall R, MacConachie N, Bhalla A, James M, Dinsmore J, Rodgers H, Uberoi R, Rowland-Hill C. Commentary on Stroke Thrombectomy. Clinical radiology. 2017; 72:123-125

Clifton A, Dinsmore J, Dharmasiri M et al. To support safe provision of mechanical thrombectomy services for patients with acute ischaemic stroke. Consensus guidance from AAGBI, BASP, BSNR, ICSWP and UKNG. 2021.

M. H. Nathanson, J. Andrzejowski, J. Dinsmore, C.A. Eynon, K. Ferguson, T. Hooper, J. Kendall, V. McCormack, S.Shinde, A. Smith, E. Thomas. Guidelines for the safe transfer of brain injured patients: trauma and stroke, 2019. Guidelines from Association of Anaesthetists and Neuro Anaesthesia & Critical Care Society. Anaes 2020; 75: 234-246.

Porter J, Dinsmore J. Perioperative Management of Direct Oral Anticoagulants in Intracranial surgery. JNA: July 12, 2019 – Volume Publish Ahead of Print – Issue -doi: 10.1097/ANA.0000000000000629

Elwishi M, Dinsmore J. Monitoring the brain. BJA Education. 2019; 19: 54-59.

Dinsmore J, Elwishi M, Kailainathan P. Anaesthesia for endovascular thrombectomy. BJA Education, 2018; 18: 291-299.

Lele AV, Mills B, Qui Q et al. International Multicentre Survey of perioperative Management of External Ventricular drains: results of the EVD Aware Study. JNA 2019 doi: 10.1097/ANA.0000000000000580
Dinsmore J, Elwishi M, Kailainathan P. Anaesthesia for endovascular thrombectomy. BJA Education.

Dinsmore, J. HERMES: a helpful messenger in the anaesthesia for thrombectomy debate? The Lancet Neurology 2018; 17: 21 – 23.

M. H. Nathanson, J. Andrzejowski, J. Dinsmore, C.A. Eynon, K. Ferguson, T. Hooper, J. Kendall, V. McCormack, S.Shinde, A. Smith, E. Thomas. Guidelines for the safe transfer of brain injured patients: trauma and stroke, 2019. Guidelines from Association of Anaesthetists and Neuro Anaesthesia & Critical Care Society. Anaes 2020; 75: 234-246.

White PW, Bhalla A, Dinsmore J, James M, McConachie N, Roffe C, Young G. Standards for providing safe acute ischaemic stroke thrombectomy services. ukng.org.uk/2015/11/26/intra-arterial-thrombectomy-recommendations/ November 2015.

Murphy M, Dinsmore J, Wilkins P, Marsh H. Maximal resection of low grade tumours using “awake” craniotomy and multiple marginal smear biopsies: neurological deficit rate & long term survival data. Clinical Neurosurgery 2006;53:332-5.

Jones SJ, Dinsmore J. Effect of Diclofenac on Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity in Patients with Supratentorial Tumours British Journal of Anaesthetists 2002; 89:762-764.


Lees Synopsis of Anaesthesia. Eds. J N Cashman & J E Dinsmore, Elsevier 2017.

Neuroanaesthesia: Anaesthesia in a Nutshell. Eds. Dinsmore J, Hall G. Butterworth-Heinemann 2002.

Lees Synopsis of Anaesthesia. Eds. J E Dinsmore & A Zoumprouli, Elsevier 2021.

Book Chapters

Elwishi A, Dinsmore J. ICP and CPP Thresholds. In: Essentials of Evidence Based Practice in Neuroanaesthetic and Neurocritical Care, Eds. Hemanshu Prabhakar. Elsevier 2021.

Dinsmore J. Neuroanaesthesia in: QI Compendium. 2020. Eds., Colvin J, Johnston C. https://www.rcoa.ac.uk/safety-standards-quality/support-anaesthetic-departments/raising-standards-rcoa-quality-improvement

Dinsmore J. Awake Craniotomy; complications. In: Essentials of Neuroanesthesia & Critical Care. Eds. Brambrink A, Kirsch JR. Springer 2020.

Dinsmore J. Cerebrospinal fluid dynamics. In: Neurointensive Care. Ed. Hemanshu Prabhakar. Oxford University Press. 2019

Dinsmore J. Tumours & cysts: Anaesthetic management of supratentorial tumours. http://learning.ebrain.net/course/view.php?id=1246

Dinsmore J. Medical conditions and anaesthesia. In: Lees Synopsis of Anaesthesia. Eds. J N Cashman & J E Dinsmore, Elsevier 2017

Dinsmore J, Campbell R. Neuroprotection. In: Manual of Neuroanesthesia: The Essentials. Eds. Hemanshu Prabhakar, Charu Mahajan, Indu Kapoor. Taylor & Francis, CRC. 2017

Dinsmore J. Medical conditions and anaesthesia. In: Lees Synopsis of Anaesthesia. Eds. J N Cashman & J E Dinsmore, Elsevier 2017

Dinsmore J, Campbell R. Neuroprotection. In: Manual of Neuroanesthesia: The Essentials. Eds. Hemanshu Prabhakar, Charu Mahajan, Indu Kapoor. Taylor & Francis, CRC. 2017

Ferguson K, Dinsmore J. Landmark papers in Neuroanaesthesia. In: Landmark papers in Anaesthesia. Eds. Galley HF, Webster NR. Oxford University Press 2013

Dinsmore J. Anaesthesia for Supratentorial Surgery. In: Core Topics in Neuroanaesthesia. Eds. Menon D, Matta B, Smith M. Cambridge University Press 2011

Dinsmore J. Malignant Hyperthermia. In: Handbook of Clinical Anaesthesia. Ed. Pollard B. Churchill Livingstone 2003

Dinsmore J, Hall GM. Diabetes mellitus in: Short Practice of Anaesthesia. Eds. Morgan M, Hall GM, Publishers: Chapman & Hall, 1998.

Other roles and responsibilities

CPD assessor for the RCOA

NCEPOD Ambassador

Committee member of a multidisciplinary NHS working group on behalf of the British Association of Stroke Physicians, British Society of Neuroradiologists, Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party, Neuroanaesthesia Society of GB & Ireland, UK Neurointerventional Group to produce Standards for Safe & Effective Thrombectomy Services for Acute Ischaemic Stroke.

Represent the RCOA as part of a national working group developing guidance for Transfer of the Brain Injured patient. This document will important in producing guidelines for the management of this vulnerable patient group.

Invited speaker at >25 national and international meetings over the last 5 years.