The Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care (SNACC) and NACCS offers one abstract award of $500 for the highest ranked abstract submitted to the SNACC annual meeting by a medical student, graduate student, resident, or fellow each year who is a member of NACCS. This award is jointly supported by both societies and consists of a financial award and presentation of a certificate duri the annual meeting.
To qualify, candidates should be either a medical student, resident, graduate student, clinical fellow or post-doctoral fellow at the time of the annual meeting and must be the presenting author of an abstract accepted for presentation at the SNACC annual meeting.
The recipient must attend the SNACC annual meeting to receive their award and certificate. Information about the joint award is available on the SNACC website here: Annual Meeting Abstract Awards (
The next SNACC meeting will be held in Denver, Colorado on September 12 -14, 2024 Annual Meeting (
If you have an enquiry
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The Neuro Anaesthesia & Critical Care Society (NACCS) evolved from the Neurosurgical Anaesthetists’ Travelling Club (NATC) founded in 1965. This is the official web site of the society promoting its objective “the advancement of education for the public benefit in the science of neuro anaesthesia and neuro critical care”
14th Jan 2022
2nd Dec 2021
24th May 2021
24th May 2021