Dr Gemma Nickols
(Honorary Secretary)

Consultant in Anaesthesia, North Bristol NHS Trust

I have been a consultant at Southmead hospital in Bristol since 2015. My sub-speciality interests include neuroanaesthesia (predominantly emergency surgery) and vascular anaesthesia.  I trained in the Severn Deanery and completed advanced neuroanaesthesia training at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London.  I have been the NACCS linkperson for Bristol since 2015 and wrote the local anaesthetic guideline for the use of intra-operative MRI at Southmead.

I am the audit lead for my department and an active member of the Society of Anaesthetists of the Southwestern Region (SASWR), having been a trainee committee member.

I led the organisation of the NACCS ASM in Bristol, in May 2018.

Regional/National Roles :

LinkDr for VASGBI

Committee member of SASWR