Dr Craig Carroll

Consultant Anaesthetist, Salford Royal Hospital.

Having qualified in 1993 from medical school in Manchester I spend some time as a resident in Emergency Medicine, before returning to the North West of England to commence anaesthesia training. On completion of specialist training, I spent some time at the Walton Centre, Liverpool before taking up a substantive post in Hope Hospital, Salford. My neuroanasthesia interests are in pituitary and skull base anaesthesia as well as complex spinal surgery.

Away from Neuroanaesthesia, I have a particular interest in patient blood management and am a member of the National Blood Transfusion Committee, as the chair of the North West Region Transfusion Committee. I am also a member of the UK Cell Salvage Action Group.

I have responsibility as lead for Pre-Operative anaemia management in Salford Royal. I have been an elected member of the board of the Association of Anaesthetists since 2022. My career with NACCS began in 2014 as a co-opted member of NASGBI and local organiser of the 50thAnniversary of the Neuroanaesthesia Travelling Club. Through election, I have been a member of council since 2016 and took the role of honorary Treasurer in 2019. I was proud to be appointed President in May of 2023.

Regional/National Roles :

Board Member Association of Anaesthetists; Representative on Safety committee,  Device Safety Committee, Finance Committee.

Chair NW Region Transfusion Committee

National Blood Transfusion Committee member

Member, UK Cell Salvage Action Group