Dr Argyro Zoumprouli

Consultant Neuroanaesthetist & Intensivist at St. George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London

I have been a consultant at St. George’s Hospital in London since 2006. I am currently the NACCS NeuroICU linkperson at St. George’s Hospital.  

I have been Clinical lead for simulation (20013-2016), Regional lead for organ donation (since 2011), and research lead for Anaesthesia (since 2021).

My interest in Spinal Cord Injury has led to the introduction of a successful integrated pathway and research in relation to spinal cord perfusion.

I am the editor of our local guideline booklet in NeuroICU, and I have built a website for easy access to our local protocols & educational material.

Since 2023 I am a member of the Patient Safety And Quality Committee and Simulation Committee of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC).

Currently I am the NACCS Council Link-Doctors Coordinator.

Regional/National Roles :

Regional CLOD

Member of the national organ donation committee.

Member of patient safety committee of European society of anaesthesiology and intensive care (ESAIC)

Member of the simulation committee of ESAIC