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Abstracts from the NACCS Annual Scientific Meeting 2023

The Abstracts from the NACCS Annual Scientific Meeting 2023 (Nottingham) have been published on the Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology:

You can view all the previous Annual Scientific Meeting abstracts and posters here:

In September 2021, BASP, BSNR, ICSWP, NACCS, and UKNG have updated the 2015 consensus guidance on how to support safe provision of mechanical thrombectomy services for patients with acute ischaemic stroke.

Find the full-text publication here.

The Seventh National Audit Project (NAP7) of the Royal College of Anaesthetists will examine Perioperative Cardiac Arrest A panel comprised of senior clinicians from the RCoA, the National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia (NIAA), Health Services Research Centre (HSRC), and trainee and lay representatives selected the topic after a highly competitive application process. The topic has now been ratified by the Clinical Quality & Research Board and College Council and is now formally the focus for NAP7. The RCoA and HSRC would like to thank everyone who submitted a proposal for NAP7. The selection panel also wished to note the high level and quality of trainee involvement in the proposals for NAP7, including the submission for the successful topic. The NAP7 Project Team are currently in the planning stage of NAP7, and look to begin data collection in Spring 2020.

Dear NACCS members,

We are pleased to announce the start of the NACCS Twitter Journal Club!

How to join the live discussion?

  1. Create/Use your account on Twitter:
  2. Check on the @naccsuk account to find in the tweets list the JC paper and the hashtag used (usually naccsjc preceded by the number of the JC, for example, the first JC hashtag is #1naccsjc, the second will be #2naccsjc, etc.).
  3. The JC will usually run from 9AM until 3PM (unless advertised otherwise from @naccsuk) so stay tuned and set up your notification alerts to be informed in real-time of the developing discussion.
  4. The discussion will start with some ice-breaking questions from @naccsuk; feel free to jump in by answering, adding more comments, ask further questions to the #medtwitter.
  5. Throw kindness like confetti! Remember to be polite and respectful, we are looking for a sparkling and constructive discussion!
  6. At the end of the JC, @naccsuk will wrap up the discussion and an unrolled thread will be posted on the NACCS website in the following days. You can still add comments on Twitter afterwards, but they will not appear on the website.

What if I don’t have (and don’t want to have) a Twitter account?

You can still read the discussion on the website few days after the live event, but you won’t be able to participate actively!

  1. Login using your NACCS credentials on the website and go to the members’ area.
  2. In the members’ area menu select Continuing Medical Education, and  then Twitter JC in the submenu.

Do you have papers to suggest for the JC?

Send us an email to or a private message to @naccsuk

Latest guidance with the Intensive Care Society for the management of vaccine-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VATT). Guidance available here