National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square University College London Hospitals NHS Trust Neuroanaesthesia and Neurocritical Care Fellowship Programmes

We offer a fellowship programme with six posts offering positions from six months to a year , covering all aspects of Neuroanaesthesia and Pre-operative Care.  At Queen Square we offer all specialities within neurosurgery  including skull base, neuro oncology, epilepsy surgery, surgery for movement disorder surgery, complex spine and interventional radiology including a thrombectomy service. There are also opportunities to undertake a three month block of dedicated neurocritical care and also to work in both the neuromedical critical care unit and the Neuromuscular Care Centre, dedicated to the management of patients with neuromuscular disease.  The training is tailored to the RCOA CCT Advanced Training in Neuroanaesthesia, as well as incorporating aspects of the SNACC international fellowship guidelines.   We also offer the opportunity to develop skills in peri-operative medicine and for those who are interested additional time may be spent with either the neurophysiology or neuroradiology teams.  In addition to clinical attachments we are able to offer the opportunity to continue to develop skills and knowledge in medical education, quality improvement and management.

If you are interested in our fellowship programme, please contact Dr Sally Wilson via email [email protected] or telephone 020 348 4711.